JUMP TOData Catalog APISourcesList the data sourcesgetGet a data sourcegetPartitionsList the data partitionsgetGet a data partitiongetRegistry APIResourcesCreate a resource in the registrypostGet a resource from the registrygetUpsert a resource in the registryputDelete a resource from the registrydeleteGet a contain resource from the registrygetUpsert a contained resource in the registryputCreate a contained resource in registrypostDelete a contained resource in the registrydeleteRelationshipsCreate a relationship between two resources in the registrypostGet a relationship from the registrygetUpdate a relationship between two resources in the registrypatchDelete a relationship between two resources in the registrydeleteProfilesList all available Profiles in the registrygetCreate or update a Profile in the registryputGet a Profile from the registrygetDelete a Profile from the registrydeleteRelationship DefinitionsList relationship definitions in the registrygetGet a relationship definition from the registrygetCreate a relationship definition in the registryputDelete a relationship definition from the registrydeleteBulkBulk create, update, or delete relationshipspostGet the result of a bulk relationship requestgetBulk create, update, or delete resourcespostGet the result of a bulk resource requestgetData Partition APIResourcesRetrieve a resource from a data partitiongetSearchSearch resources of a specific collection in the data partitionpostSearch relationships of a specific type in the data partitionpostReturn the facet for path in a specific collection in the data partitionpostRelationshipsRetrieve a relationship from a data partitiongetMDM APICollectionsList collections in the MDMgetGet a collection in the MDMgetGet collection resolution rulegetGet the collection profilegetAutomationList queued itemsgetGet a queued itemgetRelationship DefinitionsList relationship definitions in the mdmgetGet a relationship definition from the mdmgetRelativeIdentityList relative identity collections in the MDMgetGet a relative identity definition from the mdmgetPowered by Get collection resolution ruleget https://{workspaceId}.clinia.cloud/mdm/v1/collections/{collectionKey}/ruleGet the resolution rule for the given collection key.