Search Operators

Refining search results

Clinia uses a set of shared operators, enabling a developer to filter for specific records in a Data Partition or Search Engine.


An operation to test if the given property has the same value, or some equivalence (ex: Case insensitive for symbol type). The wildcard * can be used alone to test if the field has a value, or with text to test for partial match.

    "eq": {
        "<propertyKey>": "<value>" // String, Date, Integer, Geopoint, Time, ...

Less Than

Only usable on date, time or numerical fields An operation to test if a property has a value lower or equal than a given one.

    "lt": {
        "<propertyKey>": "<value>" // Date, Time, Integer, Decimal

Greater Than

Only usable on date, time or numerical fields. An operation to test if a property has a value greater or equal than a given one.

    "gt": {
        "<propertyKey>": "<value>" // Date, Time, Integer, Decimal

Geo Distance

Only usable on geopoint fields. An operation to test if a geopoint attribute lies within the range of a specified flight distance from a particular point.

    "geoDistance": {
        "<propertyKey>": {
            "radius": 20000, // Flight distance search in meters
            "coordinates": {
                "longitude": 45.0,
                "latitude": -73.0


An operation to test if a property is one of the given values (comparison using the equal operation).

    "any": {
        "<propertyKey>": [


An operation to test if an enumerable property has all of the given values (comparison using the equal operation).

    "all": {
        "<propertyKey>": [


An operation to perform full-text search on a symbol datatype. The match operator has three components:

  1. type: The type of matching to perform. Possible values for this field are:
    1. word: Word search is used to search for words that contain the query. Each word in the query is searched for in the specified property. The query is considered a match if all the words are found, irrespective of the order.
    2. wordPrefix: Word prefix search is used to search for words that start with the query. Each word in the query is searched for in the specified properties. The query is considered a match if all the words are found irrespective of the order and the words start with the query.
    3. phrase: Phrase search is used to search for words in a specific order. The query is split into words, and each word is searched for in the specified property. The query is considered a match if all the words are found in the correct order.
    4. phrasePrefix: Phrase prefix search is used to search for words in a specific order. The query is split into words and each word is searched for in the specified property. The query is considered a match if all the words are found in the correct order and the last word starts with the query.
  2. fuzziness: Expressed as an integer, the amount of character that can be different between the supplied and matched values. A difference is based on casing, diacritics, and character type.
  3. value: The value to match.
    "match": {
        "<propertyKey>": {
        	"value": "<value>",
          "fuzziness": "<fuzziness>",
          "type": "<type>"