Standard Search

Filter search through partition collections and relationships

Once you have created a Data Partition, a Standard Search endpoint enables the querying of records within it, providing seamless access and retrieval of information, including Collections and Relationships, contained within the partition.

Search Properties

To allow your system to retrieve the right records, our Standard Search endpoint exposes a complete set of filters that you can use in the request payload:

    "page": 0, // Optional, Defaults to 0
    "perPage": 20, // Optional, Defaults to 20
    "filter": {}

Simple Single Filters

Those can be as simple as a single Equal operation:

    "filter": {
        "eq": {
            "name": "John"

Complex Filters

Or contain many operations on different field types:

    "filter": {
        "and": [
                "eq": {
                    "name": "John"
                "or": [
                        "eq": {
                            "gender": "FEM*"
                        "eq": {
                            "gender": "MAL*"


For more operations, see the Search Operators documentation.

Search Collections

The Collection search endpoint enables the retrieval of specific collection types (e.g., provider or office) for a specified partition. Using the above filter as an example, here is a:

Collection search with simple filtering:

Collection search with complex filtering:

Search Relationships

Similarly to the Collection search endpoint, this endpoint allows searching on relationship type (e.g., provider-office relationship) for a specified partition.